Monday, June 10, 2013

Nice to meet you all.

So let me tell you about myself, my life, and anything I can think of.. 

I never was good at starting these things. My only reason for starting this was so I had a place to keep my thoughts and talk to anyone who's willing to read them, since I don't have anyone to really go to anymore. I mean, I have my girlfriend, and she is a good release but at times we tend to fight and if we were to ever split I wouldn't want to lose that source of release, so I try not to rely on it heavily. 

Speaking of her, I figured this is a blog, and I said I'd share personal stuff, so here it goes. She has no clue just how jealous I really am. She told me she made a new guy friend. Just a friend, but he's really fun to be around and text. That drives me nuts. Every relationship I've ever been in, I've been replaced. Probably cause I drove them away with my insane jealousy. But this all goes back to the fact my current girlfriend forced me into competition with her last ex, and I won (I think, she says they aren't talking and I trust her enough to believe her, but I can't disprove her anyway) but he touched her and hugged her and held her while we were still dating. So it's not like I'm some jealous freak. My jealousy is within reason most of the time. 

I'll get more into depth on that later, I just don't feel like talking about it anymore because I think about her all the time and it either drives me insane or it makes me worry about losing her, cause half the time she seems like she doesn't care. She's reassuring when I ask, but she never acts how she preaches. She'll probably flip if she sees this, but she's been known to post the same stuff on her blog. Anyway, there is something else I wanted to talk about. Have you ever had a best friend, or just a friend, ditch you and ignore you for a girl? Maybe he/she has done that not just to you but to their other friends as well? Well for me, I'm in that situation right now, and let me tell you, it sure as hell isn't fun.

See, I've known this guy for ten years. We've had some fights, but nothing where I've wanted to simply not talk to him. I've told him everything & he used to tell me just about everything, although he was a little quieter for reasons I won't get into out of respect for him. Recently though, he gets a girlfriend. We'll call her M. He changes his relationship status on facebook to taken, she ignores it and doesn't do it. I noticed and I thought, okay, maybe she's just not on much. He uploads photos of them happily together on instagram and says he's happily taken, she never uploads a single photo of them together and uploads photos of herself with other guys and girls, and never says she's taken. 

All of this was fine for me, I'm sure he had noticed and if he was going to let it slide I wasn't going to say anything. Especially since I'm usually not one to flip out over social media, but when you won't upload photos of your SO, but you will of others, something's up. Anyway, the other day we were supposed to hang out. I know for a fact he's home. Texting his girlfriend or something. An hour before I'm supposed to drop by, he gives me some bullshit excuse to ditch me, probably to go hang out with her so she can fuck him, then fuck another guy three hours later. Now I'm not usually one for random accusations like that, but this girl is a tramp. And my bestfriend is a moron. He dated another girl who cheated on him and had sex with another guy, and he refused to believe that when I told him.

This time? I'm not helping him. He's on his own. He chose to ditch me, and before that he was ignoring my texts when I'd text him every few days. Funny enough though, last night on facebook, he was claiming no one would talk to him. Wonder why? Maybe if you didn't blow off your friends for a tramp, you'd have someone to vent to. (and the other tramps that want you for your looks don't count, bud.)

Anyway, I'm glad to finally get that off my chest. I'll vent more about my relationship, my music, my games, etc, later. If anyone cares, I'll end this with a song every once in a while. Enjoy! 

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